Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Return Policy

As a Christian, I know God has a plan for me. So when things don't go according to plan - my plan, that is - I try to find God's lesson in the situation. This story is a bit long, but I was reminded of an important truth.

A while back, I needed to return an item I bought at a local bookstore. The first time I brought it in I was hoping to get the cash back and knew I would need the receipt. I just had to find it. While the cashier patiently waited for me, I proceeded to create a heaping mess on the counter: clipped coupons, two pens, some change, lipsticks (who needs four lipsticks in one purse?) and random slips of paper and other receipts. But not the one I needed.

"You can get store credit," the helpful, young clerk suggested.
"No. I know I have the receipt here somewhere," I replied while still digging through my purse. At this point, the contents of my purse completely covered the countertop. The clerk continued to smile while customers began lining up behind me. "Huh. I guess I don't have it. (duh) I'll just take this back and look for it at home," I managed to squeak, as I was scooping everything back INTO my purse. I knew I had that receipt... somewhere.

Unfortunately, I never did find the receipt. Knowing I would only get store credit, I headed back to the store to return my item. As expected, when I told the clerk I didn't have my receipt she said, "That's ok, you can get store credit." Great. By the way, I love this bookstore. In fact, I don't think I've met a bookstore I don't like. Seriously, it's like the library - I could spend hours here. But after shopping for about 15 minutes the store manager approached me and informed me that she could not accept my return without a receipt because it was an electronics item.

"This policy is clearly stated on the receipt," she said. I later looked at a receipt and it does NOT say electronics, but rather "software". My item included a CD-ROM. What she said next, however, seemed more likely... "We really couldn't put your item back on the shelf in the condition it's in." Aha! Now I understand.

You see, between Visit #1 and Visit #2, the box remained in my vehicle and, um, did get a little banged up. And, the plastic tabs that seal the box had come undone and somehow attracted dirt, sand and small bits of fuzz. I could see her point.

That evening I stopped at Wal-mart and picked up some packing tape, brought my box home and "cleaned 'er up". Although I understood the manager's position, the fact was, I did purchase this item, it was brand-new and I expected a refund (or store credit, which was totally ok with me). My plan was to return to the store with my "refreshed" item and discuss the situation with the manager. I fully expected our conversation to include me explaining how much money I spent at this store, did they want to lose a customer, blah, blah, blah. I wanted to stand up for myself but still be humble. I prayed for God to give me the right attitude and the right words.


I go BACK to the bookstore, carrying my item and this time the cashier asked straightaway, "Return?"
"Yes," I answered, "but I don't have a receipt."
"No problem, you can get store credit."

O...kay... I was a bit nervous to accept this after my last visit. I figured I'd have to talk to someone. But nope - no questions, no manager finding me squatting in the aisle looking at the books on the lower shelf to tell me that my box wasn't "pretty enough." Granted, the box did look better. They could easily restock it. The guitar, instructions and CD were still inside - untouched - as before. And now, because the package looked better, everything was peachy-keen.

Remember the beginning of this story? I'm trying to learn what God is teaching me in these types of situations. Hmmm... I walked into this bookstore with an "ugly" box that the manager deemed unworthy. But after I cleaned up the outside and went back with a "prettier" package, it was suddenly ok to accept. Even though the contents inside remained the same.

I was reminded of this scripture:
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment... Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." - Peter 1:3-4

God does not judge our outer appearance like we do. Instead of focusing so much on the package, we need to remember what is beautiful (and lasting) is found inside. Lord, help me not to get so caught up in outward appearances. Judging myself and others by the world's measure. Help me to remember true beauty comes from the inside. Amen.


Lonnie D Hale said...
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Lonnie D Hale said...

You nailed that. Always look at a persons heart. If we take time to look and listen we can tell if a person is good. Love You Daddy Hale